If you would like to submit your page for consideration of a link, please
write to webmaster@al-oholicsanonymous.com
. Your page must focus on Al, have UNIQUE AND ORIGINAL content
about Al not found elsewhere on the net, and be well designed. Sites
consisting primarily of personal concert-going stories, personal collections
of non-rare items, photos of friends or the like will not be linked, as the
focus is not about Al, but rather yourself. Unless you are a multi-Grammy
award winning parody artist with over ten albums, the world en masse
visiting this site doesn't care about you. All sites reviewed will be given
reasons for qualification or disqualification.
- Contents: Pictures, news, historical info, merchandise ordering
- Comments: This page is the MOTHER of all "Weird Al" pages and it's maintained by his drummer, Bermuda
- Author: Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz- Al's drummer
- Updates: Almost Daily
- Contents: Album info, lyrics, bio, photos, articles, news.
- Comments: Official page for Al's bass player, Steve Jay devoted to his solo works
- Author: Marty Lick and Steve Chai. Steve Jay is the owner.
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Organized links to other Al pages, Search Engine, Fake Ads, Lyrics, Photos
- Comments: This parody of Yahoo! is dead on and is the sister page to Al-oholics Anonymous. And oh yeah, it works.
- Author: "Happy Steve" Chai
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Discussions board moderated by WHiZZi and Bermuda.
- Comments: Moderation means no junk, no stupid posts, and all content. Check out the "Ask Bermuda" section.
- Author: WHiZZi
- Updates: Frequent
- Contents: Campaign to give Weird Al a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fam
- Comments: Tons of merch, with all proceeds going to the campaign. Al deserves a star!
- Author: Dave "Elvis" Rossi
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: The 27 list, Pictures, Stock in U62, sound clips from UHF, songography
- Comments: Content? You're soaking in it!
- Author: Dave "Elvis" Rossi
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Lyrics, discography, biography, pictures, playlists and more
- Comments: And you thought Cop Rock was popular!
- Author: Jeff Morris
- Updates: Frequent
- Contents: The hard to find book, "The Authorized Al" is now availble in PDF format
- Comments: An absolutely INCREDIBLE digital recreation of this rare book.
- Author: Dan "Meganurd" Savad
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Photos, Video clips of recent television appearances, sound bytes.
- Comments: The only page that's powered by industrial strength recycled toenails
- Author: Marcus Brannon
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Midi versions of a few of Al's originals
- Comments: That's right, midi versions of Al's ORIGINALS! Go get 'em!
- Author: Jason Copeland
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: RealAudio interview and song clips, trivia
- Comments: This is a good place to waste a bit of time
- Author: Freezone
- Updates: None since original creation in 1996.
- Contents: Concert photos, pictures of singles and other promo items
- Comments: Oh bother.
- Author: Tim Winslow
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Guitar tabs, Al related Ascii art, countdown to Al's brithday,
- Comments: The most fun you can have on the web without surgical implants
- Author: Mike Rosulek
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Album covers, lyrics, sound clip of Al on "Parker Lewis Can't Lose"
- Comments: This site should be quick for people in Europe.
- Author: Daniel Smith
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Pictures from "There's No Going Home", Covers versions of Al songs, Concert pictures
- Comments: A page that's chock full of Al goodness.
- Author: Adam Tyner
- Updates: Occasional
- Contents: Al icons for Windows, including "South Park Al"
- Comments: Make your machine Weirdos compatible.
- Author: Chris Pirillo
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Lyrics, list of everything ever released as a single
- Comments: Use this page and torture the dog with kareoke
- Author: Matt Keeley
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Concert pics, midi files, general info, album/video cover pics.
- Comments: It's like dying in a car accident, but not really..
- Author: Allie27
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: The one TRUE way in which to worship the all mighty Al.
- Comments: Excellent graphic work here.
- Author: Rev. Rowan Rose
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Concert experience and photos, articles
- Comments:
- Author: Koren Young
- Updates: Rare
- Contents: Pictures, articles, album info, CPFOA mailings, sound clips
- Comments: If you're looking for top notch entertainment, this is definately not it.
- Author: Steven Shilling
- Updates: Rare