Al on Hollywood Online, September 3, 1996

OnlineHost : Copyright 1996 America Online, Inc.

OnlineHost : To send your question to the speaker, click on the Interact icon, then use the Ask a Question option.

OnlineHost : The auditorium consists of two major areas: the audience, where you are right now, and the stage, where the speakers appear. Text which you type onscreen shows only to those in your row, prefaced by the row number in parentheses, such as (2) if you are in row 2. To interact with the speaker, use the Interact icon on your screen.

HOL Nina : Join the master of comedy and parody! Weird Al's latest album, "Bad Hair Day," is climbing up the charts!

HOL Nina : Unfortunately, Weird Al is running a bit late (L.A. traffic)! He should be here by 6:10 at the latest. :)

HOL Nina : We apologize for the delay - of course it wouldn't be normal for him to be on time! :)

HOL Nina : You can go ahead and start sending in your questions now!

HOL Nina : If you miss any part of the chat, transcripts are available at Hollywood Online (keyword: Hollywood) Transcripts are posted within 48 hours of the event.

HOL Nina : Stay tuned for Weird Al Yankovic in 10 minutes! The master of comedy and parody will be joing us shortly :)

HOL Nina : He has now arrived! A little late, but still here!

HOL Nina : How was traffic? :)

ALYANKOVlC : Not good.

Question : WHat was it like making "like a virgin"???

ALYANKOVlC : That was Madonna... we get confused all the time.

HOL Nina : That happens to me too :)

Question : HI AL, I heard that Coolio got P.O.ed at you for making Amish Paradise. Do alot of the performers whose songs and videos you mock take it personally? --Nejafur

ALYANKOVlC : No, Coolio was a very unfortunate exception. Most artists take it as a great compliment.

Question : What is your personal favorite song of all the songs you have written?

HOL Nina : Al has finally arrived! Stay tuned!

ALYANKOVlC : Hard to say... I guess I like the originals, like "One More Minute," "Frank's 2000" TV," "Everything You Know Is Wrong"...

Question : What is the strangest thing a fan has ever done for you?

ALYANKOVlC : A couple people have gotten Weird Al tattoos... I think *that's* pretty severe...

HOL Nina : On a more personal note, Alfan27 wants to know..Question : How many shirts and pairs of shoes do you own?

ALYANKOVlC : Haven't counted them lately... a couple hundred, I guess.

Question : Has Frank Zappa influenced yourself our your work in any way? (Or do you just like his stuff?)

ALYANKOVlC : I've always been a big Zappa fan, and I know his work has been a major inspiration to me. I'll never forget when Frank actually asked for MY autograph (for his teenage son Dweezil)

Question : How come the "Extra Gory Version" of "The Night Santa Went Crazy" was relegated to the "Amish Paradise" single? It's much better than the album version.

OnlineHost : The auditorium consists of two major areas: the audience, where you are right now, and the stage, where the speakers appear. Text which you type onscreen shows only to those in your row, prefaced by the row number in parentheses, such as (2) if you are in row 2. To interact with the speaker, use the Interact icon on your screen.

OnlineHost : To send your question to the speaker, click on the Interact icon, then use the Ask a Question option.

ALYANKOVlC : Thanks... I had a couple of friends who saw those original lyrics and said, "You can't do that to Santa!" So I was coerced into "taming it down" for the album... but I like that version better, too.

Question : Do you plan on making any more MOVIES??!?

ALYANKOVlC : I'd love to... there's at least one project "in development"...we'll see what happens.

Question : I realize it is *rather* soon to ask this, but do you plan on releasing a second volume to your "Weird Al" Anthology Songbook? The first one is GREAT, but there are many other songs I'd *love* to know how to play!

ALYANKOVlC : Thanks... Well, Cherry Lane put out the Anthology, so if it's successful enough for them, hopefully they'll put out some more!

Question : Why is Dick Van Patten in so many of your videos?

ALYANKOVlC : I'm just try to fill the Dick Van Patten pop culture vacuum.

Question : WEIRDALRLZ - Out of all of the albums that you made, which one is your favorite??

ALYANKOVlC : My favorite album is always the one I'm currently promoting, so that would have to be... BAD HAIR DAY!!!

Question : Are you and Michael Jackson related?

ALYANKOVlC : Not as far as I can tell.

Question : Who's your idol?


Question : Why not a UHF2?

ALYANKOVlC : I'M up for it... if you can convince a major studio, let me know!!

HOL Nina : A suggestion from HHirsch42..Question : Why don't you make a parody of the Macarena?

ALYANKOVlC : Gee... you're only the 437th person this week to say that to me...

HOL Nina : On a related note...Question : How do you get the ideas for your songs?

ALYANKOVlC : Hmmm... nobody's ever asked me that before... I... I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!!!

Question : So, are you a They Might Be Giants fan? After hearing "Everything You Know Is Wrong", I'd sure think so!

ALYANKOVlC : Yes, they're one of my favorite groups. Music and comedy were always two of my biggest joys in life... but I never thought I'd be able to do it for a living. I'm... so HAPPY! *choke*

Question : Hi, Al! I'm curious as to why you didn't include a Hootie and the Blowfish parody on "Bad Hair Day." Was it just too easy? It seems like they're just begging to be parodied!

ALYANKOVlC : Yeah, sometimes I just get sick of all the begging. Get off your knees, guys! Wait your turn like everybody else!!

Question : Weird Al did you get in trouble for Amish Paradise

ALYANKOVlC : No Amish picket lines in front of my house yet...

Question : Where can I find recordings of "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Chicken Pot Pie?"

ALYANKOVlC : Those are "concert only" songs. Sorry!

Question : Are you planning on making any new albums?

ALYANKOVlC : I'm either going to make some more albums, or quickly lapse into obscurity. I haven't really decided which yet.

Question : Al your parodies are absolutely brilliant! I remember when you used to do "Al TV" back in the good days of MTV. Any plans for something cool like that in the future? TV needs your insight!!!

ALYANKOVlC : Actually, MTV has been airing a new (somewhat watered-down) ALTV this summer.

HOL Nina : Tusca1 has a style question..Question : Al - Who does your hair?

ALYANKOVlC : The woman who does my hair for the videos is Roseanne McIlvane.

HOL Nina : A more technical question from LMCHEM...Question : W.Al: How long does it typically take you to write a parody, and where do you typically write them?

ALYANKOVlC : I generally give myself a week or two to get ideas together. I used to write them in a 3-ring notebook, but now I write everything on my PC.

HOL Nina : HankLiss has a hankering to know...Question : Hi Al, Given your humorous songs about relationships with women, I was wondering if those songs were based on real experiences? I'm also sure everyone is curious, if you are dating anyone.

ALYANKOVlC : At least one was based (in part) on a real woman... the rest are based (pretty loosely) on various dysfunctional relationships I've had. I currently am not in a serious relationship.

HOL Nina : We have time for one more comment...Question : Weird Al: I love your work. You are genius. I write parodies too, and you are a great inspiration to me. Thank you.

ALYANKOVlC : No, no... thank YOU!

HOL Nina : Thanks for visiting Hollywood Online, Weird Al!

ALYANKOVlC : My pleasure. Bye, everybody!!

HOL Nina : If you missed any part of the chat, the transcript will be posted at Hollywood Online (keyword: Hollywood) within 48 hours.

OnlineHost : Copyright 1996 America Online, Inc.