Hi Al! bob, leroy its all yours and happy AL! Al! Hey, I"m AL!! Ahhhh!!!!! No, I know Al when I see him! Good Evening Al !! Ok, everyone BAck to your regular nicks!!! Hey Jonh Hey JOHN I ment Hey All! *** Mode change "+o Yankovic" on channel #weird-al by Altoids there you go, AL Welcome, Yankovic! Thanks, Carlotta! Yes Ed? Hi Al! Welcome to the internet! Now we all get quiet..... Hey, happy anniv again! Thanks, Berm! Woooo Hoo!!! hey all We've had a great time waiting for you -- the opening act, so to speak. Ohmigod. Forgot it was THE anniversary. YEEEEEEE HA! Goodbye loq-hole! Yep - 15 big ones! Years, that is Hows it Going Bermuda It is nick Friend of mike's hof. alrighty... who's al? (nick) Hi nick! Cant Wait till Greenbay bermuda- at last we finally meet! Al- again we meet *** Altoids has changed the topic on channel #weird-al to AL IS HERE !!!!! Forty-nine people on, Al! We're going for a worlds record of people in a channel. Sorta like crowding in a phone booth if you can still find one. Usually there are three. Puts it all in perspective . Well with Al here it should be NO problem doing so !! Is there some kind of order for questions...? Ok, who's gonna ask the man a question Hahahahahahahaha oh, great alsiah share with us your words of wisdom Way to go rick! The TV album, perhaps? is Yankovic Al? Yes, Cheeseman. What about it, Carlotta? cool! TV album ? Why.. I cannot believe it !! Any update about it? /msg bryce- ..... for help The TV album is scheduled for a November 9 release. yankovi: are you gonna do any movies soon? I just signed with a new agent, and just finished writing a screenplay, so we'll see. thanks, altoids I getting in line now! UHF 2? for the theatre that is What kind of screenplay ? that's cool... are you gonna go on a tour soon? thanks :) so how do you feel about the release of the Food Album, almighty one [E/X] Netsplit detected at 08:10PM: (azure.acsu.buffalo.edu irc.uiuc.edu) [portion of interview missing] I have a working title for the new album, but it could very well change based on what the first single is. (Yoda/#Weird-al) Al: I worship you all day and night.. I play only your cd's and to make sure that I never straigh I superglued my cd magazine in my cd player with only your cd's in it! It's harder to come up with fresh ideas and not repeat myself quite so much. (Yoda/#Weird-al) Al: You are the supreme being! Doug - that's completely up to MTV. I'd sure like to. (LtlBigMan/#weird-al) All hail god!! (Yoda/#Weird-al) Please say youll have a polka in your new album! (Yoda1/#weird-al) Make a parody of "Pour some sugar on me" please (Yoda/#Weird-al) Shalooooommmm [Jenson got very rude here, and all his comments have been edited out] Al, is the upcoming concert in Green Bay considered part of the AlCan tour? al what candy will you be giving out for halloween this year? (blokhead/#weird-al) We're not worthy, We're not worthy (WeirdDoug/#weird-al) GET OUT OF HERE JENSON!!!! Yes, there will be a polka on the next album. (Yoda/#Weird-al) Al is the best! Now I know what this "Ignore" button on Netcom is for..... (LtlBigMan/#weird-al) kick jensen please *** Jenson has been kicked off channel #weird-al by Altoids (Altoids) (HappyStev/#weird-al) /ignore jenson Way to GO ! (blokhead/#weird-al) bye bye jenson! (LtlBigMan/#weird-al) thank you Hey! That was my dad! lol! LOL, Al! (Yoda/#Weird-al) Jenson is stupid, he took the lords name in vain, I love your hairdo... It looks just like mine! (Yoda1/#weird-al) AL's polkas are the best songs on each album (Yoda/#Weird-al) er mine looks like yours <_Sport_> FINALLLY! Hi al... love your cds man... but tell me, would you father yoda's children so he stops drooling! uh...... ok, if you got a question, /msg me with it?? (WeirdDoug/#weird-al) Al did you go to the renaissance fair in novato this year like last year? Not this time. "Numb" by U2. (WeirdDoug/#weird-al) Al Where do you keep your socks? In my sock drawer. AL!!!!!! what did you think of Alaska, I lived there last summer and saw your autograhedphed picture at AU in juneau (friend of Marty) (Yoda1/#weird-al) DUH! (HappyStev/#weird-al) Yankovic: I heard one time you don't have any white shirts in your closet, is this true? Al, my wife and i are dying to know... what was going through your mind when you wrote AIRLINE AMY??? *** Mode change "+l 50" on channel #weird-al by irc.colorado.edu Hey, Al! Haven't seen or talked to you since my friend and I shoved a copy of The Authorized Al at you at Conocti Harbor Resort :) Good to see ya hehe.. (WeirdDoug/#weird-al) So does Smeg bring back memories? Gotta finish the album... gotta finish the album... Al, any hints on the Parodies on the NEW CD ?? LOVED Alaska. Anyway, onto the question...what happened with Talk Soup? The song was on Alapalooza, and you gave credit to E!, but it's still not on the show. Will they ever use it? Al: what color are your kitchen counters? ][^) Very few white shirts, if any. hi al, from your #1 fan [These remaks have also been removed] The people at E! said they loved the song (they commissioned it!) but then they never used it. Don't know why. *** reb has been kicked off channel #weird-al by Frank2000 (Frank2000) Maybe you should talk to the current host. :) *** Signoff: Yankovic (Killed (benny2 (user requested))) oh crap First they flood then they nick-collide well, thanks you assholes damn damn damn !!!!!!! (Yoda1/#weird-al) I need my God back Altoids: I guess IRC is too volatile for something like this :( stupid pricks hang on... (Yoda1/#weird-al) Please Bring Him Back to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 oopS i wonder if we can mail bomb that jerk (Yoda1/#weird-al) Relaying for Yoda anyone get his address? NO MORE V'S i'll get the c-4!!!! 0hen [E/X] Netsplit detected at 08:21PM: (irc.uiuc.edu azure.acsu.buffalo.edu) When we get the 50, why don't you gifve the channel a key Then give everyone present the key so we can all get in, but only we can get in now (LtlBigMan/#weird-al) I'm the local Pyro i'll bring a lot more than c-$ (evil Grin) [E/X] Netjoined at 08:22PM (irc.uiuc.edu azure.acsu.buffalo.edu) (BobPerry/#weird-al) Al, wish you would do a show in Florida so Sue could stay at home insteat of flying all over the county to see you ! Welcome back Carlotta !! i wanted to see about a backstage visit? *** AYankovic (cbarnes@ix-la21-11.ix.netcom.com) has joined channel #weird-al AL IS NOT HERE *** Mode change "+o AYankovic" on channel #weird-al by Bryce- good to see you back al Hi, I got booted off. Is somebody else using "Yankovic" now?? (HappyStev/#weird-al) Al!!!! *** Mode change "+i" on channel #weird-al by Altoids Okay, well, let's try again... welcome back Al! Thanks! *** Signoff: AYankovic (Killed (irc.uiuc.edu (*.sdsc.edu <- *** azure.acsu.buffalo.edu[](misgudid)))) glad to see you again, Al...welcome to the Internet...people can be real jerks here. It began with a +v...and it ended with ME TAKING OVER THE WORLD! Or not... If you want +v, ask Altoids good to see you again(in green and black) (CheeseMan/#weird-al) yeah Ah jeez (HappyStev/#weird-al) Mr. Yankovic, do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by your popularity? well it was pretty cool for about 10 minutes now what * LtlBigMan puts Al back on the pedestal.. oh I thought he was collided again or killed he was (CheeseMan/#weird-al) Al: when was the last time you took a yogart bath? al:my mother wants to know if you are still single *** Mode change "+p" on channel #weird-al by Altoids al? he got kicked off I think well, I got my question in...is someone going to log this? please correct me if I'm wrong... PLEASEEEEEEE If so I'll take off now--too much chaos (LtlBigMan/#weird-al) I am Is Al here yet?? (CheeseMan/#weird-al) i am logging this (HappyStev/#weird-al) so am i... ok cool CheeseMan: could you email the log to me? ThankS !! It will be on my web page in a couple days (CheeseMan/#weird-al) sure altoids> put a -i so al can come back if he wants? gumby: what's the URL again? I seem to have misplaced it. he can msg me to get invited The Al Web page is at: http://www.emsphone.com/Al ok... gumby: thanks a lot! CYA. is he going to come back? and the OTHER Al Web page is at.....Altoids? The OTHER Al page is http://www.sonic.net/~donnawe/ i hope he does... but would not blame him if he did not (HappyStev/#weird-al) sigh... well lets turn the moderation off NO ok hey kern [E/X] MASS DEOP DETECTED. By: john0 [futher actions deleted] who's Deopping! [everyone proceeds to get kicked off at this point] [I'm missing quite a bit here] [E/X] Netsplit detected at 08:31PM: (irc.uiuc.edu irc.virginia.edu) [meanwhile on #weirdal] hey, why'd i get kicked off? we all got kicked off becasue someone thinks its cool and why can't i re-join? this makes me mad who oped him MAN! CmdrSpock- quick! give everyone ops hey hey Nofat who gave that guy ops? noone ReDragon did maybe Al will come here! hello who is redragon? did you all get kicked off? *** HappyStev is now known as UnHappy i don;t think so everybody got kicked off... yess Al probaly hates us now :( everybody? weird-al1 gave redragon ops and who knows who gave weird-al1 ops no, he understands that some people are schmucks john0 kicked me off. He will rot in (Nature Trail to ) HELL for this! i'm on guys I'll bbinf yeesh... weird-al1 was vixin well i got a log of it so we will do some major havok! no vixin was Altoids at that point the other room is open yes she was [resuming on #weird-al] *** Topic for #weird-al: AL IS HERE !!!!! Is Al here? Carlotta? Where's Carlotta? Al? it's mojo from prodigy! is Al here or #weirdal? he was until am asshole was hwew hahahahaha geez Hi ALL [remarks deleted] Al, why do they call you WEIRD-AL? [more remarks deleted] *** alfan has been kicked off channel #weird-al by john0 (john0) geezus. this is jacked. not this dork again... *** alfan (al@ has joined channel #weird-al where is weird al? *** alfan is now known as WEIRDAL *** llg is now known as s I AM WEIRD AL where the bots at? Weird [remark removed] IF SOMEONE WOULD TELL ME WHERE THE REAL ONE IS THIS CAN CONTIUE NOW [I was kicked off, when I returned...] [remark removed] so like Where is this guy? [remark deleted] If weird al is here we can continue the discussion now in an orderly fashion what does +o mean? *** AYankovic has left channel #weird-al good one you made him mad *** AYankovic (cbarnes@ix-la21-02.ix.netcom.com) has joined channel #weird-al WOULD THE REAL AL PLEASE MSG ME OK *** AYankovic has left channel #weird-al ok Al Hi al Hi! I'm john he's back sorry for the inconvience Miss me? but we thought that the people here come on al, speak before you die were being asshole admins What do you want to know?? WOOT So but then, we are feh does anyone have a question? i will v you the floods don't bother me dweepo ayankovic: FEH has taken over this forum ok first off yankovic: we really liked you on wheel of fortune *** MisGuiDeD is now known as Oki[feh] I would like to start out by saying yankovic: could you comment on the experience of being on it? If I get kicked off again, I'll go to #weirdal. Dont worry al you are safe now [I was kicked off #weird-al] [I then joined #weirdal] will this work now? al is comming here he said it on #weird-al This is the first timw I've used IRC- will someone let me know if this is giong out? yeah good job Spock!! Who is that at #weird-al? so...uh .....Al... read any good books lately CmdrSpock that is Oh COOL! in weird-al, it said it couldn't send to the channel. who is ops in weird-al Videot, are you here tonight? no he's not Is anyone still on here, or is my screen just really slow? Carlotts? Anyone? were on the wrong side of a net split! who is Ayankovic on Weird-al??????? Al.... where are you? Ayankovic is Carlotta! *** gumbyx has left channel #weirdal *** gumbyx (gumby@monsoon.xnet.com) has joined channel #weird-al (ABolton/#weird-al) What's your favorite TV show??? :) (EvilLight/#Weird-Al) AYa : Do you yank your vick alot? (Nofat/#weird-al) I got my Demento Society newsletter yesterday, and it said that you are contributing an unreleased song to the 96 CD.. care to tell us what it is? (AYankovic/#weird-al) So many questions... okay, I play doom. I don't have the new Soul Asylum album yet. My favorite song is "Mama Get The Hammer Tthere's A Fly On The Baby's Head." heh (AYankovic/#weird-al) The unreleased song will most likely be... "Pac-Man." (Happy1/#weird-al) Al, YOU RULE!!!! Look for Detroit.wad... (ABolton/#weird-al) AL!!! Come back to Atlantic Canada!!!! [remarks removed] (Happy1/#weird-al) My roommates and I play Doom a lot... how about deathmatch?? :) (AYankovic/#weird-al) Okay, I'll try! (Nofat/#weird-al) really? Everyone's been dying to hear that one.. I have a tape of unreleased songs (2 hours worth) but not that one Hello ? Yes! Al, I love old videogames, pac man would rule (AYankovic/#weird-al) I can't get my modem to work for Doom... sorry! Thanks John0 !! thatnks God bless you, Johno (ABolton/#weird-al) Al!! What's your favorite food?? car: no problem (Happy1/#weird-al) Well, we'll be here in CMU whenever you wanna match. :) isnt it nice we have a benevalent leader like me? (Nofat/#weird-al) Hey Carlotta.. it's me, John Baggs from Prodigy (AYankovic/#weird-al) It'll be a while before I star in another feature. Unless you happen to own a major studio... (RJDio/#weird-al) what is +v? AL: Did you hear about that naked accordian player in Michigan who got arrested? That was in my hometown. Come up here and do a show eith him, so I can finally see you live! Al, if I had a studio, you could do all the features you wanted! I'm curious Wierd Al was UHF based on a true story? (AYankovic/#weird-al) Sounds like he'd be a great opening act! What I'd like to see is you on the shows of Jay Leno, David Letterman, etc., especially since theyve talked about you so much. Anything a letter-writing campaign would help? AYankovic : Can we expect to see any movies like UHF from you in the future? rad! Al, I have a question, as I am the one moderating i hope you can answer: Do you prefer Unix or Plan 9? Letterman would Be cool... Or Danny !! (AYankovic/#weird-al) Don't know, Carlotta. Wait till the next real album comes out, then maybe it's worth a shot. just Dave Dave rules no one watches Leno anyway (Happy1/#weird-al) Yankovic, are your next food songs consist of vegatable? yeah dave rules over leno He could get hip and show up on the Jon Stewart show (RJDio/#weird-al) X:WHat is +v do besides and a + in front of yer name? Just to see Al on any show would be great. He has been on Jon Stewart show. (AYankovic/#weird-al) I'm trying not to write any more food songs. REMEMBER EVERYONE FEH OWNS WEIRD AL Al: what's your favorite TV show? yeah jon stewart is kinda cool he gets all the chix anyway yes, tell it like it is FEH owned you tonight THINK WE CAN GET A THANKS TO FEH ON THE ALBUM COVER OF THE NEXT ALBUM AL? al has alread been on john stewert... that was cool Oh dear. (Happy1/#weird-al) this is pretty scary... Maybe a FEH theme song yea yea yeah AL, putting feh on the cover will keep us out of yur dir this channel sux al? Al, I'm a film student and work for you for almost nothing, or for like....spam or something how about it? (Marc G) (AYankovic/#weird-al) Sorry this didn't exactly work out, everybody... gotta go in acouple minutes. Last questions? what do you think of the Food Album? AmI ON ? AL: w0tz wrong? we ain't charging nothin Sorry too, Al. Thanks for trying. (AYankovic/#weird-al) I still am peeved about it. (Happy1/#weird-al) Hey Al, I just wanted to say "Great Work!" Al? Are you still here? peeved? heh, better to be peeved then pee'd on Keep it up Al, you're the greatest (AYankovic/#weird-al) Thanks, Happy. Aly: do you have any advice for aspiring song writers? I totally agree with you and am willing to fight against it strange song writers that is al :) Yeah. al: are you gonna get an e-mail soon? Me 2 Al.. !! this channel under new govt or somthin? Al: I was just wondering if you could do a remake of the "Asshole Song" by Dennis LEary? Al: why dont you come back in a few days after this stuff settles down again (Happy1/#weird-al) My girlfriend and I are big fans of your work. :) AL RULZ!!! (ABolton/#weird-al) Al!!! You're the greatest! :) AY: next time, just let us arrange your visit, and things will run smoothly, dont let amateurs try and do it in the future (AYankovic/#weird-al) Thanks! Let's try again some other time. Lunch... Thursday! Bye!!!! stx: new and improved :) Al, again I do hope you'll be brave enough to try again. X: YES THE ASSHOLE SONG! (ABolton/#weird-al) Bye Al!!!!! *** AYankovic has left channel #weird-al john0:neatorama OK THATS IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. sniff EVERYONE OUT SHOWS OVER Al, come back baby AL is the god of all gods!! NOTHING TO SEE HERE COME ON BREAK IT UP AL IS GONE *** Carlotta has left channel #weird-al (ABolton/#weird-al) X! What's your problem?? (EvilLight/#Weird-Al) lkalalaaallalalala oh yeah, al: can i send you something for you to sign and you would send it back? that was cool, but some people suck x rox (EvilLight/#Weird-Al) Man... I cant breath LET'S DISCUSS WHAT HAPPENED HERE? can i write now? * blokhead cries... Al is gone (EvilLight/#Weird-Al) breathe even X is cool what the hell good are you operators?!?! *** You have been kicked off channel #weird-al by Oki[feh] (Oki[feh]) [and that's the end of that.]