Welcome to WAIS, the Weird Al Information Source.
Everything you know is WRONG!!! So, you're going to have to refer to this page to look up any kind of information about "Weird Al" Yankovic. His past, his present, his talented band, his shoe size... anything you want. If you cannot find the information you're looking for, check the "Weird Al Frequently Asked Questions list". If you STILL can't find anything there, then you can email me at: webmaster@al-oholicsanonymous.com and I'll try my best to answer any questions about Al.

This file was last updated 12/26/2004. The latest verion of the WAIS gets posted to alt.music.weird-al on the 14th and 27th of each month. Information about copying and redistributing of the WAIS can be found at the end of this posting. Input, suggestions, and comments on the WAIS is appreciated.

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WAIS: The Weird Al Information Source
HTML: http://www.al-oholicsanonymous.com/faq/wais.html
TEXT: http://www.al-oholicsanonymous.com/faq/wais.txt

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Marty "Gumby" Lick (webmaster@al-oholicsanonymous.com)
FAQ 'N' WAIS Maintainer for alt.music.weird-al


  1. Brief History of "Weird Al" Yankovic's Early Years
  2. Al's Body of Works
  3. "Weird-Al" Resources
  4. Bits of Trivia

Brief History of "Weird Al" Yankovic's Early Years

Al's Body of Works

Full Length Album Track Listings

[Thanks to Jeff Morris (jbmorris@copper.ucs.indiana.edu) for this info]
"Weird Al" Yankovic (1983)		"Weird Al" Yankovic in 3-D (1984)
===================			==========================
Ricky					Eat It
Gotta Boogie				Midnight Star
I Love Rocky Road			The Brady Bunch
Buckingham Blues			Buy Me a Condo
Happy Birthday				I Lost On Jeopardy
Stop Draggin' My Car Around		Polkas On 45
My Bologna				Mr. Popeil
The Check's in the Mail			King of Suede
Another One Rides the Bus		That Boy Could Dance
I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead		The Rye or the Kaiser
Such a Groovy Guy			  (Theme from Rocky XIII)
Mr Frump in the Iron Lung		Nature Trail to Hell

Dare to Be Stupid (1985)		Polka Party! (1986)
=================			============
Like a Surgeon				Living With a Hernia
Dare To Be Stupid			Dog Eat Dog
I Want a New Duck			Addicted to Spuds
One More Minute				One of Those Days
Yoda					Polka Party!
George of the Jungle			Here's Johnny
Slime Creatures from Outer Space	Don't Wear Those Shoes
Girls Just Want To Have Lunch		Toothless People
This Is the Life			Good Enough for Now
Cable TV				Christmas at Ground Zero
Hooked On Polkas

Even Worse (1988)			Greatest Hits (1988)
==========				=============
Fat					Fat
Stuck in a Closet with Vanna White	Eat It
(This Song's Just) Six Words Long	Like a Surgeon
You Make Me				Ricky
I Think I'm a Clone Now			Addicted to Spuds
Lasagna					Living with a Hernia
Melanie					Dare To Be Stupid
Alimony					Lasagna
Velvet Elvis				I Lost on Jeopardy
Twister					One More Minute
Good Old Days

Peter and the Wolf (with Wendy Carlos) (1988)
Peter and the Wolf
The Carnival of the Animals - Part Two:

UHF Original Motion Picture		Off The Deep End (1992)
Soundtrack (1989)			================
===========================		Smells Like Nirvana
Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies	Trigger Happy
Ghandi II				I Can't Watch This
Attack of the Radioactive Hamsters	Polka Your Eyes Out
   from a Planet Near Mars		I Was Only Kidding
Isle Thing				The White Stuff
The Hot Rocks Polka			When I Was Your Age
UHF					Taco Grande
Let Me Be Your Hog			Airline Amy
She Drives Like Crazy			The Plumbing Song
Generic Blues				You Don't Love Me Anymore
Spatula City
Fun Zone
The Biggest Ball of Twine
   in Minnesota

The Food Album (1993)			Alapalooza (1993)
==============				==========
Fat					Jurassic Park
Lasagna					Young, Dumb & Ugly
Addicted to Spuds			Bedrock Anthem
I Love Rocky Road			Frank's 2000" TV
Spam					Achy Breaky Song
Eat It					Traffic Jam
The White Stuff				Talk Soup
My Bologna				Livin' in the Fridge
Taco Grande				She Never Told Me She Was a Mime
The Rye or the Kaiser			Harvey the Wonder Hamster
   (Theme from Rocky XIII)		Waffle King
					Bohemian Polka

Al In The Box (1994)
Disc 1					Disc 2
------					------
My Bologna (Capitol Records)		Yoda
Another One Rides The Bus		This Is The Life
Happy Birthday (Placebo E.P.)		Like A Surgeon
I Love Rocky Road			One More Minute
Ricky					I Want A New Duck
Polkas On 45				Dare To Be Stupid
Midnight Star				Hooked On Polkas
Eat It					Addicted To Spuds
Mr. Popeil				Dog Eat Dog
I Lost On Jeopardy			Here's Johnny
Buy Me A Condo				Living With A Hernia
King Of Suede				Christmas At Ground Zero

Disc 3					Disc 4
------					------
Lasagna					Polka Your Eyes Out
Good Old Days				You Don't Love Me Anymore
Fat					Smells Like Nirvana
Melanie					When I Was Your Age
I Think I'm A Clone Now			I Can't Watch This
You Make Me				Trigger Happy
Alimony					Taco Grande
UHF (single version)			Bedrock Anthem
Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies	Harvey The Wonder Hamster
The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota	Achy Breaky Song
Spam					Livin' in the Fridge
Generic Blues				Frank's 2000" TV
					Jurassic Park
					Headline News

Babalu Music				Greatest Hits Vol. 2 (1995)
------------				---------------------------
Babalu Music				Headline News
I Love Lucy Theme (Vocal)		Bedrock Anthem
El Cumbanchero				You Don't Love Me Anymore
Cuban Pete				Smells Like Nirvana
Babalu					Achy Breaky Song
We're Having a Baby (My Baby and Me)	UHF
There's a Brand New Baby at Our House	Money For Nothing/
We'll Build a Bungalow			      Beverly Hillbillies
Straw Hat Song				Jurassic Park
By the Waters of the Minnetonka		This Is The Life
California, Here I Come			Polka Your Eyes Out
Nobody Loves the Ump			Yoda
Jingle Bells				Christmas at Ground Zero
The Lady in Red				
I'm On My Way to Cuba			
Down Argentine Way			
In Acapulco				
I Love Lucy Theme (Instrumental)	

TV Album (1995)				Bad Hair Day(1996)
---------------				------------------
Bedrock Anthem				Amish Paradise
I Can't Watch This			Everything You Know Is Wrong
Frank's 2000" TV			Cavity Search
MFN/Beverly Hillbillies			Callin' In Sick
Ricky					The Alternative Polka
Talk Soup				Since You've Been Gone
Here's Johnny				Gump
The Brady Bunch				So Sick of You
Cable TV				Syndicated Inc.
I Lost on Jeopardy			I Remember Larry
UHF					Phony Calls
                                        The Night Santa Went Crazy

Running With Scissors (June 29, 1999)	Poodle Hat (May 20, 2003)
-------------------------------------	-------------------------
The Saga Begins				Couch Potato
My Baby's In Love With Eddie Vedder	Hardware Store
Pretty Fly For A Rabbi 			Trash Day
The Weird Al Show Theme 		Party at the Leper Colony
Jerry Springer 				Angry White Boy Polka
Germs 					Wanna B Ur Lovr
Polka Power				A Complicated Song
Your Horoscope For Today 		Why Does This Always Happen To Me?
It's All About The Pentiums 		Ode To a Superhero
Truck Drivin' Song 			Bob
Grapefruit Diet 			eBay
Albuquerque				Genius in France

Discography (timeline form)

[Thanks to Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz for "snail-mailing" this Discography. Also, thanks to the folks at the Midnight Star for telling Jon that Mike Steele was doing this and asking for his input.]

      (Unless indicated, all audio releases are on Rock & Roll Records)

Title:                                          Year     Format(s)
_SLO GROWN_ (with TAKE ME DOWN, a San Luis Obispo song contest entry)
                                                c1978    LP (label not known)
WEEK OF WELCOME 1978 (Al speaks in parts)       1978     7"FLEXIDISC
WEEK OF WELCOME 1979                            1979     7"FLEXIDISC
          (audio orientation for students at Cal Poly University, San
          Luis Obispo, California; Al produced and narrates)
DR.DEMENTO SHOW #79-48 (week of 11-26-79,       1979     REEL (Westwood
          Al interview on re-b'cast of KMET show)          One Radio)
MY BOLOGNA b/w SCHOOL CAFETERIA                 1979     45/PR45 (Capitol)
_VOOBAHA_ (Barnes & Barnes; Al played accordion on GUMBY JAWS LAMENT)
                                                1980     LP/CASS (Rhino)
                                                          (CD 1996 on Oglio)
WEEK OF WELCOME 1980                            1980     7"FLEXIDISC
          (audio orientation for students at Cal Poly University, San Luis
          Obispo, California; Al produced and narrates)
                                                1980     LP/CASS(Rhino)
_EARTH NEWS RADIO_ (3-9 & 3-10-81, Al interview)1981     LP (Earth News)
ANOTHER ONE RIDES THE BUS                       1981     PR45 (TK Records)
ANOTHER ONE RIDES THE BUS b/w GOTTA BOOGIE      1981     45 (TK Records)
_JUST FOR LAUGHS_                               1982     LP (K-TEL)
          (compilation with ANOTHER ONE RIDES THE BUS and MY BOLOGNA)
*"WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC                            1983     LP/CASS/CD
                                                          (cd released in 1991)
RICKY                                           1983     PR45
RICKY b/w BUCKINGHAM BLUES                      1983     45ps
DR.DEMENTO PICK OF THE WEEK #1                  1983     REEL (Westwood One
 (week of 4-11-83, featuring RICKY)                       Radio)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #83-17 (week of 4-18-83, Al  1983     REEL (Westwood One
          interview)                                      Radio)
I LOVE ROCKY ROAD                               1983     PR45
I LOVE ROCKY ROAD b/w HAPPY BIRTHDAY            1983     45ps
DR.DEMENTO PICK OF THE WEEK #16                 1983     REEL (Westwood One
 (week of 7-25-83, featuring HAPPY BIRTHDAY)              Radio)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #84-09 (week of 2-20-84, Al  1984     LP (Westwood One
          interview)                                      Radio)
*IN 3-D                                         1984     LP/CASS/CD
                                                          (cd released in 1987)
EAT IT                                          1984     PR45ps/PR12"
EAT IT b/w THAT BOY COULD DANCE                 1984     45ps
_KING BISCUIT FLOWER HOUR_ (live concert radio broadcast)
                                                1984     LP (D.I.R.
_THE HOT ONES_ (week of 5-7-84, Al interview)   1984     LP (RKO Radio
STAR TRAK (week of 5-7-84, Al interview)        1984     REEL (Westwood One
I LOST ON JEOPARDY                              1984     PR45ps
                                                1984     45ps
I LOST ON JEOPARDY (12" MIX) b/w MR. POPEIL     1984     12"
KING OF SUEDE                                   1984     PR45ps
KING OF SUEDE b/w NATURE TRAIL TO HELL          1984     45ps
GUEST D.J. #116                                 1984     LP (PFM Programming)
  (wk of 6-11-84, Al as "guest D.J.")
THIS IS THE LIFE                                1984     PR45ps/PR12"
THIS IS THE LIFE b/w BUY ME A CONDO             1984     45ps/12"
JOHNNY DANGEROUSLY AUDIO PRESS KIT              1984     REEL (20th Century
  (w/THIS IS THE LIFE)                                    Fox)
EPA Video Gaggle #18                            1984     PRVHS (EPA)
  (promo sampler w/THIS IS THE LIFE)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #84-48 (week of 11-19-84, Al 1984     LP (Westwood One
          interview)                                      Radio)
_DEATH, GLORY AND RETRIBUTION_ (compilation with original MY BOLOGNA)
                                                1985     LP/CASS (Capitol)
*DARE TO BE STUPID                              1985     LP/CASS/CD/PRCASS
LIKE A SURGEON                                  1985     PR45ps/PR45  PICDISC
                                                1985     45ps
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #85-23 (week of 6-3-85, Al   1985     LP (Westwood One
          interview)                                      Radio)
EAT IT b/w I LOST ON JEOPARDY                   1985     45 "GOLDEN OLDIES"
I WANT A NEW DUCK                               1985     PR45
I WANT A NEW DUCK b/w CABLE TV                  1985     45ps
_THE COMPLEAT AL_ (mock video biography of Al)  1985     VHS/BETA/LASERDISC
                                                          (CBS FOX)
_THE AUTHORIZED AL_ (mock-biography of Al)      1985     PAPERBACK
                                                          (Contemporary Books)
EPA Video Gaggle #21                            1985     PRVHS (EPA)
  (promo sampler w/LIKE A SURGEON)
ONE MORE MINUTE                                 1985     PR45ps
ONE MORE MINUTE b/w MIDNIGHT STAR               1985     45ps
EPA Video Gaggle #22                            1985     PRVHS (EPA)
  (promo sampler w/ONE MORE MINUTE)
EPA Video Gaggle #23                            1985     PRVHS (EPA)
  (promo sampler w/DARE TO                 Radio)
LIKE A SURGEON b/w KING OF SUEDE                1986     45 "GOLDEN OLDIES"
CHRISTMAS AT GROUND ZERO                        1986     PR45/PR12"
FHE Preview Tape: Transformers: The Movie       1987     PRVHS (FHE)
_TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE_ (animated motion picture)
                                                1987     VHS/BETA (F.H.E./MCA)
_ROCK CONNECTIONS_ (3-20-87, Al interview)      1987     LP (CBS Radio)
                                                1987     PRLP (E/P/A)
        (5 promo greetings from Al)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #88-16 (week of 4-11-88, Al  1988     LP (Westwood One
        interview)                                        Radio)
*EVEN WORSE                                     1988     LP/CASS/CD/PRCASS
FAT                                             1988     PR45ps/PR12"
FAT b/w YOU MAKE ME                             1988     45ps
LASAGNA                                         1988     PR45ps
LASAGNA b/w VELVET ELVIS                        1988     45ps
I THINK I'M A CLONE NOW                         1988     PR45
                                                1988     45
_NAKED GUN_ (motion picture, cameo by Al)       1988     VHS/BETA/LASERDISC
PETER AND THE WOLF (with Wendy Carlos)          1988     LP/CASS/CD (CBS)
                                                1988     CD (Rhino)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #88-48 (week of 11-21-88, Al 1988     LP (Westwood One 
        interview)                                        Radio)
                                                1988     PRLP (E/P/A)
        (3 promo greetings from Al)
_TAPEHEADS_ (motion picture; cameo by Al)       1988     VHS/LASERDISC
                                                          (Pacific Arts)
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #89-29 (week of 7-10-89, Al  1989     LP (Westwo                               1992     CASS/CD
SMELLS LIKE NIRVANA (mistakenly includes but doesn't list WAFFLE KING)
                                                1992     PRCDSGL
_"WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC VIDEO LIBRARY_ (music video compilation)
                                                1992     VHS
YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE                       1992     PRCDSGL
                                                1992     CASSGL
TACO GRANDE                                     1992     PRCDSGL
THE WHITE STUFF (never shipped to stations!)    1992     PRCDSGL
I CAN'T WATCH THIS (never shipped to stations!) 1992     PRCDSGL
I LOVE LUCY TREASURE CHEST                      1992     VHS (Columbia House)
  (w/Babalu Music video)
HOT HITS NUMBER 194                             1992     LASERDISC (Pioneer)
  (video compilation w/NIRVANA)
MTV New Music Report #6                         1992     PRLASERDISC
LIKE A SURGEON b/w KING OF SUEDE                1993     45 "COLLECTABLES"
EAT IT b/w I LOST ON JEOPARDY                   1993     45 "COLLECTABLES"
*THE FOOD ALBUM (greatest food hits)            1993     CASS/CD
                                                          (Scotti Brothers)
        (compilation with ONE MORE MINUTE and YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE)
                                                1993     LP/CASS/CD (MCA)
*ALAPALOOZA                                     1993     CASS/CD
JURASSIC PARK                                   1993     PRCDSGL
JURASSIC PARK b/w FRANK'S 2000" TV              1993     CASSGL
_DR. DEMENTO SHOW_ #93-42 (week of 10-11-93, Al interview)
                                                1993     CD (On The Radio)
BEDROCK ANTHEM                                  1993     PRCDSGL
ACHY BREAKY SONG                                of 3-4-96, with Al interview)
                                                1996     CD (On The Radio)
AMISH PARADISE (b/w Everything You Know Is Wrong)
                                                1996     CASSGL
AMISH PARADISE (b/w Everything, Santa (lyrics) & Stupid )
                                                1996     CDSGL
*BAD HAIR DAY                                   1996     CASS/CD
CHARTBREAKERS CHW-1396                          1996     CD (Broadcast
        (radio station music source, 3-29-96, with AMISH)    Programming)
HITDISC 141a (radio station music source, 3-29-96, with AMISH PARADISE)
                                                1996     CD (TM Century)
PROMO ONLY RADIO SERIES APRIL 96                1996     CD (Promo Only)
        (radio station music source  w/AMISH)
huH CD, April 96 (w/Gump)                       1996     CD (WEA?)
HITDISC 147a (radio station music source, 5-10-96, with GUMP)
                                                1996     CD (TM Century)
GUMP                                            1996     PRCDSGL
GUMP (w/Spy Hard)                               1996     CASSGL
GUMP (w/Spy Hard + bonus tracks)                1996     CDSGL
SPY HARD                                        1996     PRCDSGL
PROMO ONLY RADIO SERIES JUNE 96                 1996     CD (Promo Only)
       (radio station music source  w/GUMP)
BAD HAIR DAY: THE VIDEO (w/Headline News, Amish, Gump & Money..)   VHS
NO STRINGS ATTACHED (by Those Darn Accordions)  1996     CD/CASS (Globerecords)
       (Al on THE HAPPY HOUSE)
WACKY CLASSICS OF THE 70'S (w/original Bologna) 1996     CASS (Warner
                                                             Special Products)
DR. DEMENTO SHOW #96-29 (week of 7-15-96, with brief Al conversation)
                                                1996     CD (On The Radio)
SONGS OF THE POLKA KING (by Frank Yankovic & Friends)
       (Al on WHO STOLE THE KISHKA)            1996     CD (Cleveland
                                                             Intern/Pentiums video)
_TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE_                       1999     VHS (Kid Rhino)
  (animated motion picture w/ DARE TO BE STUPID)
"WEIRD AL" YANKOVIC LIVE!                       1999     VHS (Volcano/Way Moby)
COOL TRAXX!                                     1999     CD (BMG Special
  (compilation w/Pretty Fly For A Rabbi)                     Products)
KEVIN & BEAN'S LAST CHRISTMAS 1999              1999     CD (KROQ-FM)
  (radio station compilation w/XMAS AT GROUND ZERO)

_SWEET INSANITY_ (by Brian Wilson; Al on accordion on one song "Let's
  Stick Together") - UNRELEASED
Related (Al does not perform or appear on these items):

FIRST RAP PART I                                1985    PR45 (Tommy Boy)
       (Hambo; Al mentioned on label)
QR III (Quiet Riot; Al thanked in liner notes)  1986     LP/CASS/CD (Pasha)
BEST OF COMIC RELIEF                            1986     LP (Rhino)
       (Al's picture on the back cover)
WOOTERS AND HOOHAHS                             1987     CASS (MoMo Records)
       (The Amazing Pink Things; cover of MINUTE)
CEREAL KILLERS                                  1991     CD/CASS (Giant)
       (Too Much Joy; Al mentioned in liner notes)
       (Karaoke disc with Eat It)
JUST FOR FUN II                                 1992     CASS (Music Maestro)
       (Karaoke tape with Eat It)
MUSIC MAESTRO PROMOTIONAL DISC                  1993     PRCDG (VocoPro)
       (Karaoke promo disc with EAT IT & SURGEON)
BMG Distribution Alternative Reel               1993     PRVHS (BMG)
       (w/Green Jelly "Harley" video, Al cameo not in retail version)
JUST FOR FUN!!                                  1993     CDG (Music Maestro)
       (Karaoke disc with EAT IT & SURGEON)
MEET THE FLINTSTONES                            1994     CASS/CD (Pocket Songs)
       (Karaoke with BEDROCK ANTHEM)
SQUEEZE THIS!                                   1994     CASS/CD (Flying Fish
       (Those Darn Accordions!Albums are also preceded with an asterisk (*).

Parody List

[Thanks to Annie Sattler (annie@nevada.edu) for compiling the list. Also thanks to Jeff Morris (jbmorris@copper.ucs.indiana.edu), Mike Hoffman (videot@tezcat.com), and Edward Mills (74670.775@compuserve.com).]

  Ricky = Mickey / Toni Basil (1982)
  I Love Rocky Road = I Love Rock 'n Roll /  
    Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (1982)
  Stop Draggin' My Car Around = Stop Draggin' My Heart Around / Stevie 
    Nicks w/ Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers (1981)
  My Bologna = My Sharona / The Knack (1979)
  Another One Rides The Bus = Another One Bites The Dust / Queen (1980)
  Eat It = Beat It / Michael Jackson (1983) 
  The Brady Bunch = Safety Dance / Men Without Hats (1983)
  I Lost On Jeopardy = Jeopardy / The Greg Kihn Band (1983)
  King Of Suede = King Of Pain / The Police (1983)
  Theme From Rocky XIII = Eye Of The Tiger / Survivor (1982)
  Like A Surgeon = Like A Virgin / Madonna (1984)
  I Want A New Duck = I Want A New Drug / Huey Lewis & The News (1984)
  Yoda = Lola / The Kinks (1970)
  Girls Just Want To Have Lunch = Girls Just Want To Have Fun / 
    Cyndi Lauper (1984)
  Living With A Hernia = Living In America (from "Rocky IV") /  
    James Brown (1985)
  Addicted To Spuds = Addicted To Love / Robert Palmer (1986)
  Here's Johnny = Who's Johnny (theme from "Short Circuit") / 
    El DeBarge (1986)
  Toothless People = Ruthless People (from the film) / 
    Mick Jagger (1986)
  Fat = Bad / Michael Jackson (1987)
  (This Song's Just) Six Words Long = Got My Mind Set On You / 
    George Harrison (1987; originally by James Ray, 1962)
  I Think I'm A Clone Now = I Think We're Alone Now / Tiffany (1987)
    (originally by Tommy James & The Shondells (1967))
  Lasagna = La Bamba (trad.)
  Alimony = Mony Mony / Billy Idol (1987) (originally by Tommy James 
    & The Shondells (1968))
  Money For Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies = Money For Nothing / 
    Dire Straits (1985) and Theme From The Beverly Hillbillies /  
    Flatt & Scruggs (1962) (written by Paul Henning)
  Isle Thing = Wild Thing / Tone Loc (1988)
  She Drives Like Crazy = She Drives Me Crazy / 
    Fine Young Cannibals (1988)
  Spam = Stand / R.E.M. (1988)
  Smells Like Nirvana = Smells Like Teen Spirit / Nirvana (1991)
  I Can't Watch This = U Can't Touch This / M.C. Hammer (1990)
  The White Stuff = You Got It (The Right Stuff) / 
    New Kids On The Block (1988)
  Taco Grande = Rico Suave / Gerardo (1989)
  The Plumbing Song = Baby Don't Forget My Number, and, Blame It On The
    Rain / Milli Vanilli (1989)
  Jurassic Park = MacArthur Park / Richard Harris (1968)
  Bedrock Anthem = Under The Bridge, and, Give It Away /  
    Red Hot Chili Peppers (1991)
  Achy Breaky Song = Achy Breaky Heart / Billy Ray Cyrus (1992)
  Livin' In The Fridge = Livin' On The Edge / Aerosmith (1993)
  Bohemian Polka = Bohemian Rhapsody / Queen (1975)
  Headline News = Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm / Crash Test Dummies (1993)
  Amish Paradise = Gangsta's Paradise / Coolio
  Cavity Search = Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me / U2
  Gump = Lump / The Presidents of the United States
  Syndicated Inc. = Misery / Soul Asylum
  Phony Calls = Water Falls / TLC
  The Saga Begins = American Pie / Don McLean
  Pretty Fly For A Rabbi = Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) / The Offspring
  Jerry Springer = One Week / Bare Naked Ladies
  It's All About The Pentiums = It's All About The Benjamins / Sean "Puffy" Combs
  Grapefruit Diet = Zoot Suit Riot / Cherry Poppin' Daddies
  Couch Potato = Lose Yourself / Eminem
  Trash Day = Hot in Here / Nelly
  A Complicated Song = Complicated / Avril Lavigne
  Ode To a Superhero = Piano Man / Billy Joel
  eBay = I Want It That Way / Backstreet Boys

Polka List (list of songs in the "Polka Compilations")

[Thanks to Annie Sattler (annie@nevada.edu) for compiling this list. Also thanks to Jeff Morris (jbmorris@copper.ucs.indiana.edu), Greg Chance (gchance@ecst.csuchio.edu), Devo Spice (tjr0868@ritvax.isc.rit.edu), and Jim Hulsey (hulsey@vitek.com).

  "Polkas On 45" (_In 3-D_, 1984)
  Jocko Homo / Devo
  Smoke On The Water / Deep Purple
  Sex (I'm A...) / Berlin
  Hey Jude / The Beatles
  L.A. Woman / The Doors
  In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida / Iron Butterfly
  Hey Joe / Jimi Hendrix
  Burning Down The House / Talking Heads
  Hot Blooded / Foreigner
  Bubbles In The Wine / Lawrence Welk
  Every Breath You Take / The Police
  Should I Stay Or Should I Go? / The Clash
  Jumpin' Jack Flash / The Rolling Stones
  My Generation / The Who
  "Hooked On Polkas" (_Dare To Be Stupid_, 1985)
  12th Street Rag (Pee Wee Hunt [Euday L. Bowman])
  State of Shock / The Jacksons w/Mick Jagger
  Sharp Dressed Man / ZZ Top
  What's Love Got To Do With It? / Tina Turner
  Method Of Modern Love / Hall & Oates
  Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Yes
  We're Not Gonna Take It / Twisted Sister
  99 Luftballons / Nena
  Footloose / Kenny Loggins
  The Reflex / Duran Duran
  Metal Health (Bang Your Head) / Quiet Riot
  Relax / Frankie Goes To Hollywood
  Ear Booker Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic
  "Polka Party!" (_Polka Party!_, 1986)
  Sledgehammer / Peter Gabriel
  Sussudio / Phil Collins
  Party All The Time / Eddie Murphy
  Say You, Say Me / Lionel Richie
  Freeway Of Love / Aretha Franklin
  What You Need / INXS
  Harlem Shuffle / The Rolling Stones
  Venus / Bananarama (cover of Shocking Blue)
  Nasty / Janet Jackson
  Rock Me Amadeus / Falco
  Shout / Tears For Fears
  Papa Don't Preach / Madonna
  Ear Booker Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic
  "Hot Rocks Polka" (_UHF_, 1989)
  all songs by The Rolling Stones
  It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (But I Like It)
  Brown Sugar
  You Can't Always Get What You Want
  Honky Tonk Women
  Under My Thumb
  Ruby Tuesday
  Miss You
  Sympathy For The Devil
  Get Off Of My Cloud
  Let's Spend The Night Together
  (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
  "Polka Your Eyes Out" (_Off The Deep End_, 1992)
  Cradle Of Love / Billy Idol
  Tom's Diner / Suzanne Vega
  Love Shack / The B-52s
  Pump Up The Jam / Technotronic
  Losing My Religion / R.E.M.
  Unbelievable / EMF
  Do Me! / Bel Biv Devoe
  Enter Sandman / Metallica
  The Humpty Dance / Digital Underground
  Cherry Pie / Warrant
  Miss You Much / Janet Jackson
  I Touch Myself / DiVinyls
  Dr. Feelgood / Motley Crue
  Ice Ice Baby / Vanilla Ice
  Ear Booker Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic
  "Bohemian Polka" (_Alapalooza_, 1993)
  Bohemian Rhapsody / Queen

  "The Alternative Polka" (_Bad Hair Day_, 1996)
  Loser / Beck
  Sex Type Thing / Stone Temple Pilots
  All I Wanna Do / Sheryl Crow
  Closer / Nine Inch Nails
  Bang and Blame / REM
  You Oughta Know / Alanis Morissette
  Bullet With Butterfly Wings / Smashing Pumpkins
  My Friends / Red Hot Chili Pepperss
  I'll Stick Around / Foo Fighters
  Black Hole Sun / Soundgarden
  Basket Case / Green Day
  Ear Booker Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic

  Polka Power! (_Running With Scissors_, 1999)
  Wannabe / Spice Girls
  Flagpole Sitta / Harvey Danger
  Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) / Pras Michel with Ol' Dirty Bastard & Mya
  Everybody (Backstreet's Back) / Backstreet Boys
  Walkin' On The Sun / Smash Mouth
  Intergalactic / Beastie Boys
  Tubthumping / Chumbawamba
  Ray Of Light / Madonna
  Push / Matchbox 20
  Semi-Charmed Life / Third Eye Blind
  The Dope Show / Marilyn Manson
  Mmmbop / Hanson
  Sex and Candy / Marcy Playground 
  Closing Time / Semisonic
  Way Moby Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic

  The Angry White Boy Polka! (_Poodle Hat_, 2003)
  Last Resort / Papa Roach
  Chop Suey / System of a Down
  Get Free / The Vines
  Hate to Say I Told You So / The Vines
  Fell In Love With a Girl / The White Stripes
  Last Nite / The Strokes
  Down With the Sickness / Disturbed
  Renegades of Funk / Rage Against the Machine
  My Way / Limp Bizkit
  Outside / Staind
  Bawitdaba / Kid Rock
  Youth of the Nation / P.O.D.
  The Real Slim Shady / Eminem
  Way Moby Polka / "Weird Al" Yankovic

"Weird Al" Resources

Close Personal Friends of Al

     Close Personal Friends of Al
     8033 Sunset Blvd.
     Los Angeles, CA 90046
And now, you can email them at cpfoa@aol.com about MERCHANDISE QUESTIONS ONLY. Be sure to include your FULL name and snail mail address. All other inquires go to the address above.

Here are some tips and answers to those deeply burning questions about Close Personal Friends of Al that you'll definitely find extremely useful. These are direct from Lynn Dickinson (LifeSize Lynn on the Dr. Demento show)... Al's previous tour publicist and wardrobe/costume coordinator. She used to handle Al's fan mail, too. So pay attention! She knows what she's talking about! :)

Here's a couple of tips for sending stuff to CPFA
1. Always include a BUSINESS-SIZED Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) for a reply - that will speed things up about a thousand percent. Otherwise your letter goes in a pile to be answered "later" - after all the SASE's are fullfilled. Later can be a LONG time.

2. If you're requesting something specific or have a very specific question, know this: It's going to take awhile and you might not get what you want.

And from John Yanagi, (yanagi@njo.dec.com):
On the issue of postage stamps from FOREIGN countries, you can get "International Reply Coupons" and use those for the Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. In the USA, they cost just over $1 and are redeemable for 1 unit of international airmail postage (50 cents). They are accepted and issued nearly worldwide.

CPFA is not an actual fan-club. (Although it used to be.) It is an office where Al can receive his fan mail. Yes - he does read it all, but there are helpers who do the responding for him so that he can write more albums! He reads the mail AFTER the helpers do, and sometimes it takes him awhile (he gets a LOT of mail) - so don't be disappointed if you get a form letter back - Al DID get your letter - he gets all of them.

Although The Midnight Star is by far the closest thing to a fan club that Al has, and their information is top-notch (and very timely), it is still worth sending an SASE to CPFA whenever you move for two reasons:

1. You can't write directly to Al via the Midnight Star - although he does answer a few reader's questions through the newsletter in every issue. The Midnight Star is the place to write if you have questions that aren't answered in CPFA's form letter. CPFA is the place to write if you just want to get your letter to Al. (You'll have to just trust that he got it - but believe me - after three and a half years of working with Al - I KNOW that he gets and reads his mail!) If you send a letter to Al via the Midnight Star, they have to just forward it to CPFA and that takes a lot of time.

2. Perhaps the best reason to keep your address current at CPFA is that it puts you on their mailing list. About once a year or so there is a new Weird Al merchandise brochure that goes out, and occasionally there are publicity-type things that go out too. The merchandise isn't available in any store (only at concerts) and you can order it pretty much year around. If you see an item that you like - I recommend that you order it within the season - as items are rarely (if ever) replaced once CPFA runs out of stock. (They just get new and different merchandise.) The storage room there isn't huge - so order what you want when you want it - or you may not get it at all (unfortunately).

I hope this helps clear up the mystery of what CPFA is and isn't. Some people get frustrated when they write there expecting a fan-club type of response or a personal response from Al and don't get it. The Midnight Star is a much more interactive forum for Al fans - but all true fans will want to be on Al's mailing list through CPFA.

PS- There's only one type of mail that Al absolutely WILL NOT read - don't send any parody ideas (he has plenty of his own) and his helpers won't even pass them on to him. I repeat - DON'T SEND ANY PARODY IDEAS TO AL - HE WON'T READ THEM! I know this is disappointing to many people - but there are sound legal reasons behind it. Don't do it! It's the fastest way into the garbage can - even if there's other stuff in the letter.

The Midnight Star

From Carlotta herself, (cbarnes@ix.netcom.com), the Midnight Star editor and humble servant of the Grand Master Al:

The Midnight Star is a non-online newsletter for Weird Al fans around the world. Since 1992, it's tried to cover the entire history of Al -- present, past and future (which hopefully will soon include a new album). The MS prints anything Al-related, including cartoons, concert reviews, and the Ask Al column, where Al answers subscribers' questions. We encourage subscribers to write articles, etc! The mailing address is:

      Midnight Star
      PO Box 750112,
      Houston, TX 77275-0112.
Although subscription info is available on various people's web pages, it's $12.00 US for six issues (checks or money order payable to treasurer Pamala Ritchie), published every other month. The newsletter contains as many pictures, articles, contests, and info on Al that can be crammed onto its pages.

Dementia FAQ List Mail Auto-Responder

[Thanks to Marty Lick (gumby@xnet.com) for this information]

A wealth of information about Weird Al (and many other artists) is available from the rec.music.dementia faq e-mail auto-responder, which is run by r.m.d faq maintainer Jeff Morris. To get a general information message (including a list of files available), send mail to jbmorris@copper.ucs.indiana.edu with the subject "LIST".

All of this information is also available via the World Wide Web. If you have a web browser (ie, lynx, Mosaic, etc), check out: http://php.indiana.edu/~jbmorris/


The Authorized Al, Tino Insana and Weird Al Yankovic. Contemporary Books. 1985.
[This book has been out of print for a long time. The Midnight Star will provide photocopies of the entire book for US $8.00 prepaid at the address above.]

The "Weird Al" Yankovic Anthology, Cherry Lane Music Co. 1996
[Piano, Vocal and Guitar Songbook. Contains 13 songs Harvey the Wonder Hamster, Jurrasic Park, You Don't Love Me Anymore, Frank's 2000" TV, Since You've Been Gone, One More Minute, Good Old Days, Headline News, The Biggest Ball Of Twine in Minnesota, Christmas at Ground Zero, Smells Like Nirvana, Eat It, and Yoda]

World Wide Web Sites

For those of you with WWW access, check out the following sites:

Bits of Trivia

The Band and Their Birthdays

Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz: August 18, 1956
Stephen Jay: January 26
Jim West: December 18
Ruben Valtierra: December 26
And let's not forget:
"Weird Al" Yankovic: October 23, 1959
*And, as a bit of interesting trivia, Al's birthday is an official holiday in Hungary. Well... actually, it's to remember the 1956 revolution, not him getting older.
-- Gabor Hetyei (hetyei@caillou.math.uqam.ca)


"The Band and Their Shoe Sizes"

Okay, we know this has been haunting your mind for all eternity so here they are:

"The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota"

All the attractions mentioned in this song are in the book _Roadside America_ by Jack Barth, et al. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986).

Information on a specific one so far:

  Cranberry World.  (508) 747-2350.                  Admission: Free
(CLOSED for the winter, from the end of November until the first of May.)  
Open 9:30 - 5:00 everyday (weekends, holidays included) 
On the waterfront in Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1/2 mile north of Plymouth Rock.
The museum has many of the old tools of the cranberry trade.
It is a self guided museum, with videos to describe stuff.
Downstairs they have juices to sample.  They have a demonstration kitchen 
where they make things out of cranberries,  and some more videos, for 
example the bottling process.
And of course, the ever-present GIFT SHOP!
[Linda Easterbrooks (leasterbrooks@ids.net)] I Lost On Jeopardy?

At the end of the video, Al was thrown into the back of a car. The driver was Greg Kihn, who sang the original ("Our Love's in Jeopardy").

Bogus Tour Dates

Suggested by "Hawaiian" Ryan Swoverland, (rswoverlan@elsinor.cerf.fred.org),
I'll try to include all of the bogus tour dates shown on the backs of Weird Al's concert T-shirts...

Here is the first in this series:

"Weird Al" Yankovic's Off The Deep End Tour 1992
June 6 		- ALAPALOOZA TOUR - Houston, TX
                  & BARBEQUE PIT - Hollandale, FL
                - BLADDER INFECTION WING - Columbus, OH
                  ***SOLD OUT****
June 17, 18 	- DONUT WORLD - Wilsbury, CT
                - Springfield, MA
                - Buffalo, NY
                - Syracuse, NY   ***CANCELLED***
                - Washington, D.C.
                - Cleaveland, OH
                - Roseville, MI
                  AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS                 
                - Minneapolis, MN
 11, 12           EAGLE SCOUT INITIATION 
                - Warwick, RI
July 26, 27,  	- JAMIE FARR'S RISOTTO HUT - Chipawau, WI
 28, 29, 30 
August 1, 2, 3, - BOB'S HOUSE
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 
9, 10, 11, 12, 
13, 14, 15, 16, 
17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 
25, 26, 27, 28, 
29, 30, 31, 32 
Next on the list... thanks to Sue Perry
The Alapalooza Tour 1994

May 30        La Brea Tar Pits - Los Angeles, Ca
June 2/3      Interstate 10 Onramp - West Covina, Ca
June 5        Mr. Paul's Big, Fat & Ugly Shoppe - Santa Cruz, Ca
June 7        Supercuts (Grand Opening) - Portland, Or
June 11/12    Ozzy's Charbroiled Batburgers - Seattle, Wa
June 15       Spam-A-Rama - Denver, Co
June 21/22/23 Fast Freddy's Car Was & Bikini Wax - Dallas, Tx
June 27/28    World of Stinky Cheese - Omaha, Ne
June 30       Stevie Wonder's Driving School - Wausau, Wi
July 2/3      Creepy Nancy's Sushi Dungeon - Toronto, Ont
July 8        Leroy's Garage Sale - Boston, Ma
July 10/11/12 7-11 Parking Lot - Providence, RI
July 16/17    Lucky Larry's Leper Colony - Boise, Id [Cancelled]
July 21       Celebrity Invitational Bungee -
              Fishing Tournament - Jacksonville, Fl
July 26/27/   Prosthetic Kneecaps R Us - Atlanta, Ga
August 1/2/3/ Shea Stadium - New York, NY [Sold Out]
The Canadian Tour 1995

March 2       St. Vitus Hospital Bladder Infection Wing
              - Yellowknife, N.W.T
March 3/4     Crazy Bernie's Drive Thru Pet Shop - Victoria, B.C
March 6/7/8   Underneath the Big Nickel - Sudbury, Ont.
March 9       Al Waxman's House of Raw Meat - Thunder Bay, Ont.
March 10      Uncle Ernie's All-Natural Dandruff Clinic & BBQ Pit -
                                            Wawa, Ont. [Cancelled]
March 11/12   Donut World - Acton, Ont.
March 14      Granville Shy Train Station - Vancouver, B.C.
March 15/16   Hannibal Lecter's Dinner Theatre - Kamloops, B.C.
March 17      Big Edna's Liposuction Parlor - Saskatoon, Sask.
March 18/19/  Tim Horton's - Grand Opening - Moose Jaw, Sask.
March 22      Bob's House - Montreal, Que.
March 23      Little Kevin Shea's Eagle Scout Initiation
              - Fond-Du-Lac, Que.
March 24/25/  Pucks R Us - Halifax, N.S.
March 29/30   Ralph Benmurgui's Risotto Hut - Moose Jaw, Sask.
April 1/2/3/  Sky Dome, Toronto, Ont. [Sold Out]
Thanks Sue!

From Joe Reiss (jreiss@vt.edu),
The Stupid Tour 1985

Jun 20-		La Brea Tar Pits
		Los Angeles, California
Jun 21-		Rotary Club Luncheon
		Shakopee, Minnesota
Jun 22-		Fast Don's Bowl-A-Rama
		Warwick, Rhode Island
Jun 28-29	Mean Uncle Leroy's Spam Closet
		Des Moines, Iowa
Jul 4-		Lucky Eddie's Racquetball Court & Oriental Massage Parlor
		Buffalo, New York
Jul 6-7		Bob & Edna's Quiche Emporium
		Chicago, Illinois
Cancelled	Gordon's Bar Mitzvah
		Denver, Colorado
Jul 13-		Billy Bob's Chili Pit
		Albuquerque, New Mexico
Jul 14-		Grover Washington Jr. High School
		Grand Island, Nebraska
Jul 21-25	Happy Hour Show -- Sizzler's #3
		Superior, Wisconsin
Aug 9-10	Bob's Laund-O-Rama Grand Opening
		Dallas, Texas
Aug 11-17	Mr. Frank's House of Pancakes and Bondage
		San Francisco, California
Aug 23-		Crazy Louie's Tofu Bar
		Charlotte, North Carolina
Aug 24-		House of Clams
		Kansas City
Sep 4-		Pizza World
		Phoenix, Arizona
Sep 5-Oct 5	Shea Stadium
		New York City
From John Yanagi (yanagi@njo.dec.com),
The Bad Hair Tour 1996
May 29/30	Wacky Wally's Waffle World - Seattle, WA.
May 31  	Tennis Elbow Fundraiser - Vancouver, B.C.
June 1  	Chuck E. Cheese Parking Lot - Boise, ID
June 2/3/4/5	"Tastes Like Chicken" - Winnipeg, MB  (CANCELLED)
June 6/7/8/	Giggly Goo Goo's Comedy Hit - Minneapolis, MN 
     9/10	  (HELD OVER)
June 11  	Stop 'N' Putt Miniature Golf Course - Oshkosh, WI
June 12/13/14/	Mr. Frank's Poodle Wash - Cleveland, OH
June 21   	Laundry Day - Los Angeles, CA
June 22/23/24/	Crazy Louie's Bowling Alley 
     25/26/27/  & Liposuction Clinic - Toronto, ON
June 29  	Don Knott's Beef Barn - Philadelpha, PA 
                (GRAND OPENING)
June 30   	Happy Anniversary Fred 
		& Louise Feldstein - Peoria, IL
July 1/2/3/4/   Astrodome - Houston, TX  (SOLD OUT)

The Band and Their Cars

Ever wonder what kind of cars Weird Al and the band drives?

Me neither... but here's the latest news from the IRC-grapevine:
(thanks to Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz for revealing this top-secret document)

I would like to give special thanks to Mike Steele (mike@cs.umd.edu) for originally creating the Weird Al FAQ, which this WAIS was based on.
Feel free to quote from this document as long as proper credit is given to the editors and (if specified) the contributor of the information. If you intend to reprint or redistribute the entire WAIS or quote large chunks of it, please contact the editors for permission. All rights reserved by the editors, "Happy Steve" Chai (webmaster@yankovic.org), 1995-1997 and Marty "Gumby" Lick (webmaster@al-oholicsanonymous.com), 1997-present.
"Happy Steve" Chai / webmaster@yankovic.org
Marty "Gumby" Lick / webmaster@al-oholicsanonymous.com